Sunday, July 18, 2010

Go Green This Summer

1. Cool Air
Instead of turing on the air conditioner everytime it is hot outside. Open up the windows and stay cool by turning off the lights, and not moving as much.

2.BBQ Lover
Use wood, or charcoal instead of propane for your BBQ. It is much cleaner for the earth. Also use green friendly cleaning products when cleaning your grill.

3. Farmer Markets
Buy food that is grown locally. It using less engery to get to your plate than food that is grown in another country. Plus in the summer there are more farmers markets.

4. Green Plate
Next time you have a BBQ use plastic or reuseable plates instead of paper plates.

5. No Posion
Instead of using bug spary which is every bad use garlic or greener alternative.

6.Green Trip
If you are going to vacation try going on a road trip into of flying on a plane it uses less energy and can be more fun.


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