All of us are capable of change but not all of us are willing to change. There are still so many people out there who don't care or are not sure of global warming and the health of our planet. I have decided to gather some information on peoples thoughts and figure out some ways to change that.
Hey I'm Kaitlin of All The Rage blog. I go green because we're the future generation. It's up to us to protect our planet and keep it beautiful. Not just for ourselves, but for the people who will be here hundreds of years later.
I'm Claudia. I whole-heatedly believe in going green. I've learned so much at school and from the Story of Stuff about how bad the health of our environment is and it's quite scary. I'm not the greenest person in the world but I make everyone recycle what they can and I use public transportation as much as possible. I also LOVE IT when stores use recycled packaging and stuff. Organic food is the way to go!
anonymous - I don't care about going green
anonymous - Well, I'm not green since I've got quite a lot of experience in my life
Stiven - Burning fossil fuels is pumping billions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, not to mention increasing dependency on resources such as oil and coal, of which there is not an endless supply.
Renewable energy is 100 percent clean and uses resources that are sustainable—sun, water, wind, etc.—and do not negatively impact the environment.
The less we consume, the fewer resources are consumed to feed the demand. Homes are poorly designed, and tend to over consume precious resources. Conserving energy can be done by simply switching to LED or Compact Fluorescent Lighting (CFL) in your home. LED lights use up to 90 percent less energy than traditional lighting.
Save money on your energy bill. You would be amazed how cutting back on water consumption, wasteful lighting practices and buying efficient appliances can save you a good chunk of cash.
Using recyclable or organic products means that toxic materials are removed from the production. The more we dispose of in landfills, the more valuable and costly materials are being wasted, as well as producing more greenhouse gases as these landfills decompose.
Clancy or GlamAndGloss01- I try my best to make the environment better.
anonymous - Going green or being environmentalist is about being reasonable with our mother nature and reasonable with yourself. I think it's the only choice if you're aware with what's going on with our earth nowadays.
I've seen and feel the difference and the noticeable changes of weather in many places as a result of global warming. I feel the difference in the air that I breathe since it become more polluted than it were before. There's a lot of changes these days which leads to the things that I don't like. These things is just a small examples of many.
My point is... What else you can do besides being environmentalist and more aware to your living environments?
hey ya its flyawaywithmexoxo aka katt. I think what your doing is great and loads more people should do it! We recycle all of the rubbish that we can at my house, and I don't really like any meat apart from pork. So I would say I am medium green if that makes sense :P
Now a days a lot of people are going green but some are still not. I could be because
- they don't know a lot of information about the topic
- they might be to lazy to go green
- They don't see the point
- or they don't think global warming to true
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