Saturday, May 14, 2011

Newspaper Nails Tutorial

A couple days ago I was on my YouTube account looking through my subscriptions. I came across a video called "Book Print (newspaper) nails..." by iluvjesse444 on YouTube. I watched the video and saw how cool the nails looked. I later realized how eco-friendly you this tutorial could be.

You will need...
  • Nail polish (I used white) (also try to use non-toxic nail polish)
  • Small pieces of old newspaper
  • Top coat (try to also use non-toxic)
  • A container of water
  1. Paint your nails with any nail polish colour you want. (try to use non-toxic nail polish: it's good for your health and the environment)
  2. Once your nail polish has dried dip your finger in a container of water for 30 seconds.
  3. Take your finger out of the water and place a small piece of newspaper on top of your finger. Hold for about one minute.
  4. Peel of the newspaper carefully and apply a top coat to help the print last longer.
click here to watch iluvjesse444's video


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