1. Drive Less: Instead walk, bike, take public transit, or car pool. This will reduce the amount of air pollution and acid rain which hurts palnts, animals, and even us.
2. Think before you buy: Instead of buying new clothing buy some clothes for thrift store, or garage sales so then don't end up in landfills. Ans if you do buy things secondhand or not bring a reuseable, eco friendly bad to get your stuff in.
3. Smart Cleaning: Instead of using harmful clecning products make your own like using part vinegar and part water and if you want part soap.(This aslo makes a good stain remover)
4. Turn off the lights: Turn off the lights when you leave a room of when you don't need it. Also use all the nautarl sunlight you can get.
5.Borrow instead of buy:Try to borrrow books at the library instead of buying. It will save paper since tons of people are sharing one book.
6.Skip water bottles: Water is very important but you don't have to drink it in a plastic bottle, so instead buy a reuseable water bottle. It is better for the environment and it will save you money.
7.Save water: Take shorter showers, and if you want to take a long hour shower take a bath instead.
8. Save Money: unplug thing when not using. Wash clothing in cold water when every possible. turn of the heater once in a while and wear a sweater, or open a window instead of using an air conditioner.
9.A note or two: use recycled paper if you are taking notes.
10. Follow my blog www.greenisthenewblack17.blogspot.com to see more ways to help the earth.
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